Enzyme-Linked Immuno Sorbent assay for qualitative detection of Anti-HAV IgG in human serum or plasma
The hepatitis A virus is a single-stranded, positive-sense, linear RNA enterovirus and a member of the Picornaviridae family. Humans, viral replication depends on hepatocyte uptake and synthesis, and assembly occurs exclusively in liver cells. Acquisition results almost exclusively from ingestion (i.e., fecal-oral transmission), although isolated cases of parenteral transmission have been reported. The hepatitis A virus is an icosahedral nonenveloped virus measuring approximately 28 nm in diameter. Its resilience is demonstrated by its resistance to denaturation by ether, acid (pH 3.0), drying, and temperatures as high as 56℃ and as low as -20℃ The hepatitis A virus can remain viable for many years. Boiling water I an effective means of destroying it, and chlorine and iodine are similarly effective.
The DIAKEY Anti-HAV IgG ELISA is a non-competitive immunoassay. During the reaction, sample and monoclonal anti-HAV antibody attached to the conjugate combine competitively inside the plate where dispensed HAV Ag is attached. After the reaction, the materials which have not been combined are removed and the amount of complex attached to the solid phase is inversely proportional to the amount of HAV antibody inside the sample. The result is calculated by reading absorbance using spectrophotometer.