We, Shinjin Medics Inc., paticipated in the 56th Congress of Korean Association of Medical Technologists, the greatest event of Medcial Technologist in Korea.
It was a meaningful plate to meet and listen closely to professional Medical Technologist who are a part of improving public health and realizing a welfare society.
Shinjin Medics Inc is researching and developing in-vitro diagnostic kits and automated instrument to enable medical technologists around the world to work with more accurate, rapid testing.
We will continue to be a company with medical technologists.
Thank you.
신종 코로나 RT-PCR 진단키트 식약처 수출허가 및 CE인증 획득
진단시약 전문 기업인 신진메딕스㈜(대표: 이관행)는 신종 코로나바이러스 (COVID-19) RT-PCR 진단키트 (DIAKEY REALcheck COVID-19(nCOV) Detection&n